Monday, February 6, 2012

Pokemon Adventures Vol. 20

Ruby & Sapphire chapter (Volume 15~22)

Main article: Ruby & Sapphire chapter (Adventures)
Things have just settled down in Kanto and Johto, but another new region comes on screen. This chapter is about the "rivalry" of Ruby and Sapphire, who are trying to conquer all the Pokémon Contests and Gyms in Hoenn respectively within the span of 80 days. Just like their counterparts in Kanto and Johto, they encounter two evil organizations, the land-loving Team Magma and sea-loving Team Aqua. Team Aqua steals the Heart component from Mr. Stone, President of Devon Corporation while Team Magma steals the Kaien I. Team Aqua destroys the volcano using the Grand Meteor, disrupting the balance of nature. Sapphire picks up a piece of the Grand Meteor and keeps it, but not for long, as soon she and Ruby clash with the leaders Maxie and Archie as the two new Pokédex Holders attempt to quell the two titans Groudon and Kyogre! 

Story by: Hidenori Kusaka
Art by: Satoshi Yamamoto
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