Monday, February 6, 2012

Pokemon Adventures Vol. 12

Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter (Volume 8~15)

Main article: Gold, Silver & Crystal chapter (Adventures)
As peace is returning to Kanto, new journeys and happenings are beginning in another region, Johto. Gold was enjoying his normal life with his family Pokémon, who have been with him since birth, until he ran into a Pokémon thief at Professor Elm's lab. As he goes on a journey of chasing the thief, Silver, with a Cyndaquil from Professor Elm and Pokédex from Professor Oak, he stumbles upon the secret plots of the Masked Man. At the same time, Professor Oak sends out a "Pokémon Capture Professional," Crystal, on a journey of completing the Pokédex. She gets involved in Eusine's plans to capture Suicune and tries to do so herself. Soon after, she also gets involved with the plots of Masked Man, who is apparently after the two legendary Pokémon, Lugia and Ho-Oh. The more shocking revelation follows: this Masked Man is actually one of the 8 Gym Leaders of the Johto area!

Story by: Hidenori Kusaka
Art by: Satoshi Yamamoto
Download: Mediafire
Password: hpokemon

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