Yellow chapter
(Volume 4~7)
The Yellow chapter starts two years after Red obtains his title of the
Champion in the Pokémon League. Red disappears for one month after he leaves to
answer a challenge from someone named Bruno. One day, Professor Oak discovers
Red's Pikachu, Pika, injured at his doorstep. Soon after the arrival of Pika, a
young trainer comes into the Professor's lab. The trainer, Yellow, claims that
"he" is a friend of Red and wishes to look for him with Pika. While Professor
Oak is still skeptical about Yellow, especially about "his" ability of healing
and sensing Pokémon's emotions, he eventually entrusts this mission and Red's
upgraded Pokédex to the young trainer. However, this event only triggers the
revelation of a larger secret as Yellow is repeatedly attacked by members of the
Elite Four. When Yellow discovers that the Elite 4 base is situated at Cerise
island, Yellow heads there and meets up with Blaine, Blue, Green and the Team
Rocket Commanders: Sabrina, Lt. Surge, and Koga. They decide to team up to take
down the Elite 4, where Red also joins them.